µTorrent 3.0

µTorrent is one of the widely used torrent downloading software all over the world. It’s a very light application having a size of of 623 Kbs. With this latest version of µTorrent, there are some nice features that has been added which can really help you in saving ur time & bandwidth when u r downloading movies or any shows. µTorrent team has added stream feature which u can use to check ur videos from the buffer itself for its audio & video quality.

Here are the steps for setting ur favourite player as default player for viewing ur video

Go to Options –> Preference –>Streaming

Click on checkbox for “Use default player” & from drop down select your favorite media player

You can download µTorrent from http://download.utorrent.com/3.0/utorrent.exe

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1 comment:

  1. I like the Auto Shutdown in Options menu.I can leave the computer to finish it's download and then it will automatically shutdown cool feature.
