Shutdown windows with 1 click

There are many times when u want to shutdown your windows PC quite quickly may be because u have to go somewhere. But than, u have to to close all the applications that u have opened & than u go to start-> shutdown. I will tell a quick tip which can automatically close all the applications & shutdown ur PC in a short span of time.

Minimise all the applications & right click on free space on ur desktop. Go to New –> Shortcut.

A new window will pop up. Type there following text as it is

“shutdown /t 30”

Shutdown is a windows tool which is used to shutdown computer. “/t” is the option for this command & 30 means 30 seconds. So, u will get a message that ur PC will shutdown after 30 mins. This is a nice trick but sometimes u end accidentally clicking on this shortcut & u won’t be able to stop ur PC from shutting down. So, u can create another shortcut which can override this timer. Follow the same step as mentioned above. This time type the following text

“shutdown /a”

“/a” is one the parameter for the shutdown function which tells the system to abort the PC shutdown. Hope u like this trick. Please leave a comment whether u liked it or not.

Shutdown windows with 1 click

There are many times when you want to shutdown your windows PC quite quickly may be because you have to go somewhere. But than, you have to to close all the applications that u have opened & than you go to start-> shutdown. I will tell a quick tip which can automatically close all the applications & shutdown ur PC in a short span of time.

Minimize all the applications & right click on free space on ur desktop. Go to New –> Shortcut.

A new window will pop up. Type there following text as it is

“shutdown /s /t 30”

Shutdown is a windows tool which is used to shutdown computer. “/t” is the option for this command & 30 means 30 seconds. So, you will get a message that ur PC will shutdown after 30 mins. This is a nice trick but sometimes you end accidentally clicking on this shortcut & you won’t be able to stop ur PC from shutting down. So, you can create another shortcut which can override this timer. Follow the same step as mentioned above. This time type the following text

“shutdown /s /a”

“/a” is one the parameter for the shutdown function which tells the system to abort the PC shutdown. Hope you like this trick. Please leave a comment whether you liked it or not.

Search Securely with Google

Google has launched SSL search for its web based search & image based search. Till now, when ever u searched anything over internet, ur ISP would get to know exactly what were u searching. But, when u will be searching through SSL search, all the search word that u will type will get encrypted & than it would be sent over the internet so now ur ISP will get to see only the encrypted search item which they won’t be able to decipher.

U can search securely through following url

For more information, you can

Firefox has added a add-on for Firefox which will always search in secured way. You can download & add this add-on from below mentioned link

µTorrent 3.0

µTorrent is one of the widely used torrent downloading software all over the world. It’s a very light application having a size of of 623 Kbs. With this latest version of µTorrent, there are some nice features that has been added which can really help you in saving ur time & bandwidth when u r downloading movies or any shows. µTorrent team has added stream feature which u can use to check ur videos from the buffer itself for its audio & video quality.

Here are the steps for setting ur favourite player as default player for viewing ur video

Go to Options –> Preference –>Streaming

Click on checkbox for “Use default player” & from drop down select your favorite media player

You can download µTorrent from

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Snagit alternative Greenshot

Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows only. Unlike snagit which requires paid license, Greenshot is a free & an open source software. Some of its features include

1)Create complete or partial screenshots quickly.

2)Easily annotate, highlight or obfuscate parts of the screenshot.

3)Send the screenshot to a file, the clipboard, a printer or as e-mail attachment.

Some screenshots of greenshots :)



Altough it’s not that fancy like snagit but if you are good in programming, u can add whatever feature u like to add in this application since it’s an open source application.

It can be Download from here